We provide services to individuals who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless, and have mental illness or co-occurring substance use disorders. We work to meet the needs of the homeless population by helping them connect and navigate through community organizations for mental health, primary health care providers, and substance use disorder services.

PATH Program Includes

  • Outreach services
  • Screenings for areas of need
  • Intensive case management
  • Habilitation and rehabilitation
  • Linkage to services and referrals
  • Assistance connecting to housing


FREE Services

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be homeless and or at imminent risk of becoming homeless
  • Must have a serious mental illness or co-occurring substance use disorder
    • “Co-occurring substance use disorder” is defined as having both a serious mental illness and a substance use disorder

Contact Information

Elisa Cervantes, BS, MBA
PATH Program Coordinator