Wish List

Purchase items from Aliviane, Inc. Amazon Wishlist. The items will be shipped directly to us and land in the hands of a family in need. If you make a donation through Amazon.com, please provide your name and address with your donation so that we can thank you for your tax-deductible gift. 

  • Arts & Craft Supplies (glue, stickers, markers, paints, crayons, colored paper, etc.)
  • Board Games
  • Gift Cards to use as incentives for our clients (restaurant, movies, grocery store, etc.)
  • Hygiene Products (Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Hairbrush, Combs, Shampoo)
  • New Backpacks or School Supplies

Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Aliviane, Inc. whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.

Sign up Today!  To designate Aliviane, Inc. through the AmazonSmile Program, follow these 3 Easy Steps:
Visit smile.amazon.com.

  1. Sign in and Choose Your Charity
  2. The screen will look slightly different depending on whether or not you’re already signed into Amazon.
    • If you’re already signed in, simply search for “Aliviane, Inc” and proceed to step.
    • If you’re not signed, enter your email and password, then search for “Aliviane, Inc” and proceed to step
  3. When you search for a charity, such as “Aliviane Inc,” you will be given a list of possible matches. Select Aliviane Inc, El Paso TX or click here. Once selected, you will receive an email confirmation and you can begin shopping.